File Specifications

All book printing files must be in print-ready Adobe PDF format, all content pages combined into 1 pdf file and cover file submitted separately. Please review the following specifications before submitting your artwork. If there are difficulties complying with the requirements, let us know and we will try to assist you.


  • Bleed: A bleed is an extension of your background color or image going beyond the intended trim size of your piece. Please make sure your artwork has at least 1/8 inch (3 mm) margin of bleed. This ensures that the color or image continues to the edge of your piece. Please build your press-ready digital files by adding 1/8 inch (0.125″) or 1/4 inch (0.25″) all around the edges of the page. If your artwork has no bleeds, no bleed margin is required, leave it as the final trim size. Click here to learn how set up bleed and margins for your documents.
  • Printer Marks: Printer marks are not necessary. If you decided to include printer marks to your file, please make sure your have set the offset of marks to minimum 0.125” (3mm) to ensure marks will not be printing inside the bleed area. Click here for a visual example.
  • Colors: All colors in your document should be in CMYK format. If the texts are in black color, please convert them to pure black (only K has value, CMY=0) before saving. For gray colors, not recommend using black color with K value less than 30%. If you have difficulty with file setup, let us know and we can provide the file adjustment service. Exact color match is not guaranteed.
  • PDF – Recommended that all fonts be embedded in PDF files or created outlines.
  • Image Quality: Photos or scans should always be saved as CMYK. All scanned images should be of a professional standard. Images need to be saved at an appropriate resolution of 300 dpi or above for continuous tone reproduction (photos and/or illustrations).
  • Text Safe Area: To avoid having text cut off during trimming, recommend no text is within 3/8″ (0.375 inch) from the edge of your document.
  • Overprint / Transparency: Do not enable the “overprint fill” feature and all transparency effects must be flattened. The feature will cause unexpected results during printing. We are not responsible for any unexpected outcomes when this feature is enabled.

Converting to PDF: When converting to press quality PDF from a typical multi-page layout software such as Adobe Indesign, ensure the following applies to the Export settings:

  1. Do not downsample the resolution of the file (download instructions “compress.pdf)
  2. Leave 1/8 inch (3 mm) or 1/4 inch (6.25 mm) for marks & bleeds (download instructions “mark_and_bleed.pdf)
  3. Color setting only in process color format (download instructions “change_color_to_cmyk.pdf)
  4. Do not include any ICC profile (download instructions “do not_include_ICC.pdf)

Sample File Templates:

Cover Template (softcover – 5.5″x8.5″, 5mm spine)

Cover Template (hardcover – 5.5″x8.5″, 31mm spine)

Page Layout (5.5″x8.5″)

Page Layout (6″x9″)

Page Layout (8.5″x11″)

Contact us to get a custom cover template if needed on a confirmed order.

Interior Page

  • Image Quality: All scanned images should be of a professional standard. Images should be saved at an appropriate resolution of 300 dpi or above for continuous tone reproduction (photos and/or illustrations).
  • Colors (Text/Images): Colors in your document is recommended to save in CMYK format for color consistency and accuracy; Though RGB is acceptable but not recommended as it is not the proper format to print, which may cause inaccurate and inconsistent color output. Exact color match is not guaranteed.
  • Black and White Text/Artwork: All black texts and artwork in your document must be in greyscale format. Please ensure that the black texts/artwork does not contain any CMY components (only has K values) and convert it to greyscale format. This is to ensure that the pages will be printed in black ink and not in color. 
  • Fonts – Recommended that all fonts be embedded in PDF files or created outlines.
  • Marks & Bleed: The bleed requirement will be minimum 0.125 inch (1/8 inch) or 3mm (preferably 0.25 inch or 6.35mm). If artwork has no bleeds, no bleed margin is required.
  • Page Pagination: The pagination for the interior PDF in a single page format always follows the rule: odd pages always on the right, and even pages always on the left. The first page of the interior PDF is always on the right except for the full spread submission/board book. Page spread must be designed in single page reading spread (pg1, pg2, pg3 etc.) combined into 1 PDF file. The only acceptance for full spread (pg1&pg2, pg3&pg4, pg5&pg6 etc.) will be for board books with layflat finishing.
  • Text Safe Area: To avoid having text cut off during trimming, recommend leave about 3/8″ (0.375 inch) to 1/2″ (0.5 inch) away from the edge of your document.
  • Glue Bound Margin: To have the content “visually” centered on the page of the finished book, setup your page with a zig-zagging margin by leaving about additional 1/3″ (0.32 inch) space away from the binding edge. Click for a visual example.
  • Coil and Wire-O bound Margin: To avoid having text cut off during trimming, leave a minimum of 1/2” (0.5 inch) space away from the binding edge of your document to leave room for the coil or wire-o binding..
  • Printed Endsheets: We will need 2 separate PDF files. One for the front endsheet and one for the back endsheets. Click for a setup guide.
    • Front Endsheets – First page will be the inside cover on the left. Second page will be fly sheet on the right. Third page will be fly sheet on the left.
    • Back Endsheets – First page will be fly sheet on the right. Second page will be fly sheet on the left. Third page will be the back inside cover on the right.

Cover Page

  • Spine Width: Contact us or use this Spine Width Calculator for exact measurement according to your page count and paper stock. Hardcover books will require a minimum of 4mm spine when less than 24 pages. For any books with a spine less than 4mm, having spine text is not recommended. For spine texts, recommend leaving 2mm margin on each edge of the spine to allow text safe margin. You can contact us for the custom template according to your book specifications.
  • Cover Gutter: Cover gutter only applies to the cover of hardcover books. The gutter width will be 8mm – 10mm besides the spine on both sides (back cover and front cover).
  • Cover & Dust Jacket: Submit the cover artwork or dust jacket artwork separately (if there is dust jacket for the book). Front cover, spine and back cover compiled into 1 page. Contact us for exact measurement and templates according to your book size and spine thickness. Please contact us if you require assistance with file requirements.
  • Debossing/Embossing: Submit a separate PDF file of the artwork to be in solid black. Please use enclosed template for placement of the emboss on the cover using 100% Black. Please note that whatever is going to be emboss will be on this pdf and whatever is not going to be embossed has to be on the printed cover file.
  • Foil Stamping: Submit a separate PDF file of the artwork to be in solid black. Please use enclosed template for placement of the foil stamping on the cover using 100% Black. Please note that whatever is going to be foil stamped will be on this pdf and whatever is not going to be foil stamped has to be on the printed cover file.
  • Tolerance: Make sure to give the book design a tolerance of about 2mm for production. Foiling allowance will be 1-2mm.