Get Started To Publish Your Book

Sure Print & Design has helped thousands of authors with self-publishing, turning them from writers to published authors. We are experts in printing for self-publishers and independent authors. Our account managers will guide you through each step of the process so that your finished book looks and feels just right. We know that printing a great looking book is only part of the journey so we’ve put together some useful tips and tricks to help ensure your book is a success.

Download this FREE ebook “Self Publishing Guide – All You Need To Know To Publish A Book”. Inside, you will find guidance and a proven roadmap to take your work from concept stage to a professionally published book.

Click here to download your free Self-Publishing Guide instantly!

Book Layout and Design

You’ve written your book but what’s next? Book design and layout is an important part of book publication. Our creative designers can help to layout and format your manuscript into a professional looking publication and design book covers from supplied images to create an attractive book cover. If you have the experience in creating print-ready files yourself, be sure to visit our file specification page for information and tips on how to format your manuscript.

What are ISBN Numbers?

ISBN is the acronym for International Standard Book Number. This 10 or 13-digit number identifies a specific book published in Canada or the United States. If you require an ISBN number we can walk you through ISBN registration, it’s a very simple procedure. ISBNs are registered by the author (Canadian applicant or USA applicant), and once an ISBN number is obtained and sent to us, we are able to provide a corresponding bar code free of charge. Note that ISBN number is not a mandatory requirement for you to publish a book or for us to print, but you will need it if it’s intend to be sold.

Book Publishing Contracts

In today’s market you have a lot of options when it comes to book publishing and maintaining creative control over your project. If you are working with a company to self-publish your book, be sure that you retain the full rights to your work. Sure Print & Design as a book manufacturer, we do not hold any rights to your book as we only charge for the production or design cost of your book. There will be no royalty fees involved.

Understanding Royalties

One of the benefits of self-publishing is that you get to keep all your royalties for sales rather than having to share the profit with a publishing house. Some self-publishing companies will try to convince you otherwise, so be wary of this. At Sure Print & Design we only charge for printing – there are no hidden costs!

Self-Publish your Genre

At Sure Print & Design, we are experienced in printing a wide range of book genres including novels, children’s books, religious books, memoirs, manuals, yearbooks, coffee table books, poetry and promotional books. Check out the most common specifications for your book genres.

Copyright Basics

Learn more about how copyright works and how to protect your intellectual property when you publish.

We leverage our industry knowledge and high capacity book printing capabilities to deliver flexible printing solutions to our customers at a competitive price. We are looking forward to working with you and contributing to the success of your book.

Get a Quote

For instant pricing of printing 250 copies and below, use our online calculator here. If you can’t find your project requirements in this calculator, please contact us for a custom price quote. Most quotations will be answered within 24 hours excluding weekends and statutory holidays. If you experience difficulties, or need to discuss your project with our professionals, email us directly or call us at 1-866-879-8883.